Episode 29 – 1 Year anniversary

One year of elephants roaring has come and gone so we reminisce a little bit about what happened over the last year. And since we could not have done this podcast nearly as good without them, we asked the special guests we have had on the podcast over the previous year to call in on the Skype call and talk about what they have been up to.
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Episode 28 – Talking Datameer with Erik Stalpers

In this episode, Dave is stuck in a hotel basement in the middle of internet nowhere and Erik Stalpers from Datameer joins us to talk about the Datameer exploration and visualization tool.
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Episode 27 – Security 3: Encryption at rest and in motion

Rounding out our series on security in Hadoop, we finish with Encryption at rest and in motion. We go over the different approaches, do’s and don’ts and mention some higher level application in this space.
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Episode 26 – Security 2: Authorisation and audit

In this episode, we continue our coverage on Hadoop security. Where episode 24 dealt with the subject of authentication, we now delve deeper in the why and how of authorization and audit, and cover the  major players in the arena.
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Episode 25 – The pro’s and con’s of crafting your own distribution

When we talk about Big Data and Hadoop in particular, we generally have one of the existing distributions from Cloudera, Hortonworks or other Big Data companies in mind. But sometimes, a pre-built distro just does not meet the needs. In this episode, we have a guest on the show that explains why they made the choice to forgo the available distributions in favour of building ones own.
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