Episode 411 – Seven Years of Public Cloud History.

Public cloud provider marketshare numbers are often published and discusses, but what is hard to find is a long term trend and comparison between the major players. We were intrigued, so we did the research and are able to present to you seven years of history, with some rather surprising statistics!

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Episode 410 – Tech IPO’s: Great Idea or Just Terrible?

After looking at Tech Acquisitions last week, we’re now investigating the other side of the coin: going for an IPO.

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Episode 409 – What’s Up with Tech Acquisitions

For the last few months, we’ve seen a number of high profile acquisitions in the tech world. What’s going on there?

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Episode 408 – The Problem with A.I.

It’s been a while, but listener on YouTube @Max6711 posed us an intriguing question on the problems with today’s A.I. And today, is the day, when we finally take him up on that question!

Continue reading “Episode 408 – The Problem with A.I.”

Episode 407 – Kubernetes Infrastructure Choices!

So you decided on Kubernetes for your project? Great. So how are you going to deploy it? On bare metal, on virtual machines, or, as apparently some people do, on top of containers?

Continue reading “Episode 407 – Kubernetes Infrastructure Choices!”