Episode 96 – Roaring news

In this edition of Roaring news, Ward Bekker returns to discuss what is happening in the world of Big Data. Ward brings news on GPUs in supercomputers and how Big Data could be wrong about you. Dave and Jhon found articles on Big data growth visualizations and GDPR. Continue reading “Episode 96 – Roaring news”

Episode 95 – DataWorks Summit in San Jose with Ward Bekker

Since both Dave and Jhon were not able to attend the Dataworks Summit in San Jose a couple of weeks ago, we have a guest, Ward Bekker, who was happy to join and educate us on the subject. Continue reading “Episode 95 – DataWorks Summit in San Jose with Ward Bekker”

Episode 94 – Roaring news

I this weeks edition of Roaring Big Data News, Dave talks about modernizing Hadoop and a billion java errors. Jhon has an article on improving your learning data sets. We finish with a discussion about the newly released HDP 2.6.5 with an emphasis on the deprecation notices and Yarn Containers. Continue reading “Episode 94 – Roaring news”

Episode 93 – Apache Kylin: Extreme OLAP Engine for Big Data

In this episode Apache PMC member Dong Li joins us to explains how Apache Kylin can deploy Analytical OLAP cubes in your Big Data environment. Continue reading “Episode 93 – Apache Kylin: Extreme OLAP Engine for Big Data”