Episode 71 – Roaring News

This time Dave has prepared some articles for us to discuss. First we talk about something new on our radar: Apache Trafodion which is a transactional SQL on Hadoop. Next we spend some time on Artificial ignorance and we round off with some IoT predictions by IBM Continue reading “Episode 71 – Roaring News”

Episode 70 – 10 Facts about Hadoop, five years later

In this trip down memory lane, we go over an article from five years ago and discuss how Hadoop and Big Data have changed since then, or has it…?

Episode 68 – Future Predictions

Welcome to 2018! And welcome to our 110% fact based prediction show for 2018. As you may expect from your two hosts, everything in this episode is 110% sure to become reality in the next twelve months.
And since 110% is not actually possible, our predictions might also be just a little bit off? But we have 365 days to bask in the glory of our predictions before we, as usual, are shot back down to earth.

Episode 67 – Roaring News

It’s here: the final news episode for 2017! We finish off the year talking about Apache Pulsar, Hadoop Delegation tokens (aka Kerberos), the Hadoop on Container hype (or is it?), Apache Hadoop 3.0 release and all you need to know bout Data Prepping (or at least all we can tell you in about 10 minutes, that is).