Episode 165 – Best Practices for Machine Learning

A little while ago we came across a blog by Martin Zinkevich about the best practices for ML Engineering at Google. We had this one on the back burner for a while now and we decided to go ahead and do an episode on this subject, using this article as a rough guide.

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Episode 164 – Roaring News

Believe it or not, Hadoop is dead, again. In other news, Facebook’s Libra coin is getting more and more boxed in and Microsoft thinks the real world is realy just too ugly to look at during your daily commute. Enjoy!

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Episode 163- The Cloudpod weather report Part 2

It cannot be denied that cloud, particularly public cloud has become ever more prevalent across the “Big Tech” universe. In order to give this subject the attention it deserves, we went out and found some podcasting colleagues who specialize on this subject and put them in front of our “question firing squad”.

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Episode 162- Roaring News

For this News episode we are joined by Niels and Carlo from Kuori.io and we discuss the need that some people have to build solutions using technologies that are not really suited for the purpose, while perfectly valid technology is readily available. In the second part, we discuss a whitepaper on “cloud native” and how it seems this drive towards to cloud is still very often a an exercise in marketing…

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Episode 161- The Cloudpod weather report Part 1

It cannot be denied that cloud, particularly public cloud has become ever more prevalent across the “Big Tech” universe. In order to give this subject the attention it deserves, we went out and found some podcasting colleagues who specialize on this subject and put them in front of our “question firing squad”.

Continue reading “Episode 161- The Cloudpod weather report Part 1”