Episode 182- Roaring News

It has been a little while, but here is a regular Roaring News episode where we discuss three articles. First off is an Ozone benchmark followed by an A.I. directed dungeon crawl and we end with a bit of an ethical discussion about some things that scientists get up to these days….

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Episode 181- DBIR 2019: So, are we doomed yet?

Verizon has published their “Data Breach Investigations Report” for some time now and with the news of data leaks, ransomware attacks and more of that kind of horror dominating much of the technology conversation, we gratefully borrow this report to dedicate a full episode on this subject. As ever, we never shy away from deviating form the subject a little (or a lot) but this time we did try to keep close to the subject matter.

If you’re in any way connected to cyber security, and honestly, everybody in the tech world should be, you owe it to yourself to download the DBIR or, even better, listen to this episode!

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Episode 180 – KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Preview

Not a regular news episode this time. Instead, we are starting our KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Amsterdam coverage and have co-chairs Vicki Cheung and Constance Caramanolis on as guest to tell us all about these conferences. If you’ve never attended one of these, this discussion will give a good idea on what to expect and for seasoned attendees, there is a little bit of a behind-the-scenes look at how these events take form.

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Episode 179- Network Virtualization with Nicolas Thomas (part 2)

In this episode we welcome Nicolas Thomas, an NFV pioneer at Fortinet to educate us on everything related to Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). We look at the changes the industry has gone though and how these upcoming new standards are changing how corporations and consumers experience their globally connected environment.

Continue reading “Episode 179- Network Virtualization with Nicolas Thomas (part 2)”

Episode 178- Roaring News

It’s been a little while, but here is another full fledged Roaring News Episode! For starters we are happy to announce that the Roaring Elephant is now an official media partner of Kubecon|CloudNativeCon and we will be covering the Amsterdam event in a couple of months. Keep your ear to this podcast to find out how you can win a free ticket to the convention!

And in other news, we are discussing how Open Source has shaped the past decade, or not….

Continue reading “Episode 178- Roaring News”