Episode 222 – 10 years of OpenStack: Success or Failure?

Did a decade of OpenStack deliver the cloud environment everybody flocks too? Not really…. Fortunately, Matt Turck saves the episode, if not the year, with his 2020 Data and AI landscape poster!

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Episode 221 – Byte Sized Python with Michael Kennedy

Today we are joined by Michael Kennedy who is an expert on Python, the little scripting language that is helping solve the worlds biggest problems today. There seems to be no stopping it and it has become the go-to language for anything form devops glue scripts to data scientists’ machine learning jobs and everything in between. So how does one get started with Python and what are the tips & tricks of the trade.

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Episode 220 – Year 5: Definitely a two-handed podcast now! (Ft John Mertic.)

We have decided long ago that we do not want to work on our birthday, so we were very happy indeed to welcome John Mertic back to the podcast. John talks extensively about all the things the Linux Foundation has been up to and Dave and Jhon simply lay back and enjoy the show. 🙂

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Episode 219 – Roaring News

It’s been a while but News is back! We’re taking a long, deep look at how we see the tech industry evolve through this pandemic lock-down environment. And we finish the episode off with Dave’s contribution about some Industrial Design…

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Episode 218 – Talking “Effective ML” with Keith McCormick (2/2)

With Machine Learning and AI being on everybody’s minds and lips these days, we invited Keith McCormick to joins us and discuss the do’s and don’ts of leveraging the undeniable power of ML in your organization. In last week’s first part, we covered the technology part and today we have the human side of the story for you!

Continue reading “Episode 218 – Talking “Effective ML” with Keith McCormick (2/2)”