Episode 46 – San Jose DataWorks Summit 2017 in Review

Dave joined our free ticket raffle winner Pitt at the Data Works Summit in Sunny San Jose last month and they came back with almost two hours worth of exciting stories!
Thanks again to Hortonworks for providing the free ticket to our raffle that Pitt won.

Episode 45 – Modern Day Airships

Breaking up our series of insights from Alan Gates, we switch gears to another really interesting topic (and guest!) where we talk about the new visualisation features coming in Apache Zeppelin and we get it straight from the brains behind the new code, Bernhard Walter.

Episode 44 – Suicidal Spark

In this episode we’re joined by Youen Chéné and Aurélien Vandel from Saagie who talk to us about their experiences deploying Spark Streaming workloads in production (based on their Dataworks Summit talk), what worked well, what didn’t and what they’d recommend you might want to do if you follow in their footsteps.

Episode 43 – Alan Gates talks Hive (Part 2)

In this episode we discuss the maturity of the Hadoop ecosystem and how hard it currently still is to get the value out of data. In the main section, we will have the second part of the interview with Alan Gates, this time talking about the place Hive has in the ecosystem.
We still have more from Alan so stay tuned for more Hive goodness in future episodes! Continue reading “Episode 43 – Alan Gates talks Hive (Part 2)”

Episode 42 – Alan Gates talks Hive (Part 1)

Welcome to the life the universe and everything episode of the Roaring Elephant Podcast. We talk some news and this episode got a little bit ranty… Apologies for that; to balance it out we have a chat with Alan Gates talking about Hive for you.
There was so much Alan Gates goodness, we’ve split it over a few sessions and here’s part one…
Continue reading “Episode 42 – Alan Gates talks Hive (Part 1)”