Episode 66 – Past Predictions

It the time of the year again where you can call us out on being totally rubbish at predicting much of anything, or can we..? Listen to the episode and find out!
In any case, we unabashedly will be recording a new “future predictions” show in a couple of weeks so if you have any predictions you want us to consider, send them to us by tweet or email! Continue reading “Episode 66 – Past Predictions”

Episode 65 – Roaring news

It’s another Roaring News episode. Today Jhon talks about machine learning projects for beginners, data visualization and the new neural network hotness which is transfer learning. Dave covers the Dataworks Summit call for papers and Apache Impala reaching Top Level Project status. Continue reading “Episode 65 – Roaring news”

Episode 64 – Talking Apache Pulsar with Matteo and Sijie from Streamlio

A while ago, the all knowing oracle that is twitter pointed out that we really did not do justice to the Apache Pulsar project when we covered it in or Roaring News episode.
The good people at Streamlio reached out to us and here is the 80+ minutes long discussion we had with Matteo Merli and Sijie Guo, going in depth on the merits and technical details, setting the Roaring Pulsar record straight! Continue reading “Episode 64 – Talking Apache Pulsar with Matteo and Sijie from Streamlio”

Episode 63 – Roaring News

It’s another news episode folks. This time Dave and Jhon talk about extracting telemetry from a PS3 steering wheel and pedal set, IBM sun-setting BigInsights and 6 things a budding Data Scientist should be aware of.

Episode 62 – Second Year Anniversary

Are there really two years worth of Roaring Elephant podcasts out there? Well, since this is our second anniversary party, it must be!
Join some of the guests we had on the podcast this year to reminisce about the months gone by. Due to the drop-in drop-out nature, this episode is a little rough but we hope you can enjoy being part of our little party!
Discussion topics ranged from what our guests have been up to, Apache Kafka, Dremio the effects of GDPR on the industry and how our guests see the future of Big Data.