Episode 74 – Hadoop sizing part 3: Compute sizing

As promised, in this final part of our Hadoop Sizing series, we round off the subject with sizing your compute and network resources. Undoubtedly we’ll be revisiting this subject in the future, but the three parts of this series should give ample information on the subject for now. Continue reading “Episode 74 – Hadoop sizing part 3: Compute sizing”

Episode 73 – Roaring News

In this edition of the Roaring News series, we talk about delivering business value and how to build an analytics team. For the Machine learning aficionados, we cover the top ML algorithms and we round off with an article on sizing a Apache Flink cluster, which fits nicely with the previous and next episode!

Episode 72 – Hadoop sizing part 2: Storage sizing

In this continuation of our Hadoop Sizing series we started last September, we move on from sizing your cluster to sizing the individual server chassis or virtual machines in your cluster. We did not finish the entire story just yet, concentrating mainly on the storage component.  The final part 3 where we round off the subject with sizing your compute and network resources is planned to be published in the next topic episode. Continue reading “Episode 72 – Hadoop sizing part 2: Storage sizing”

Episode 71 – Roaring News

This time Dave has prepared some articles for us to discuss. First we talk about something new on our radar: Apache Trafodion which is a transactional SQL on Hadoop. Next we spend some time on Artificial ignorance and we round off with some IoT predictions by IBM Continue reading “Episode 71 – Roaring News”

Episode 70 – 10 Facts about Hadoop, five years later

In this trip down memory lane, we go over an article from five years ago and discuss how Hadoop and Big Data have changed since then, or has it…?