Episode 60 – Big Data Roles: Recruiting and hiring

In  this entry in our “Roles in Big Data” series, we talk to Chuck Waygood, global director of talent Acquisition at Hortonworks. Chuck has been in this space since 2013 and in this episode he talks about his experiences, what recruiters are looking for, how you can attract that perfect candidate and what you can do to improve your chances of landing that great career in Big Data. Continue reading “Episode 60 – Big Data Roles: Recruiting and hiring”

Episode 59 – Roaring News

It’s another installment of Roaring News! This time, we talk about the ensemble recommendation system allegedly used by Spotify, not-so-new kid-on-the-block-after-all Apache Pulsar, the ever so popular “Hadoop is dead” and end with a quick shout-out to the Tokyo Data Platform Conference. Continue reading “Episode 59 – Roaring News”

Episode 58 – Big Data Roles: The data scientist

In this entry in our long-running “roles in Big Data” series, we talk to Eduardo Barbaro, a Sr. Data Scientist at Mobiquity. To say that the data scientist is a pivotal person in any big data or advanced analytics project is not an exaggeration and we are really grateful to Eduardo for spending some time on the podcast to give us his views and recount his experiences.

Episode 57 – Dataworks Summit Sydney recap by Dave – Part 2

In this second part of Dave’s tale of the Sidney Dataworks Summit, the subjects range from Apache Metron, a talk by Telstra, Australia’s leading mobile provider, Yarn 3.0 and Apache Zeppelin Continue reading “Episode 57 – Dataworks Summit Sydney recap by Dave – Part 2”