Episode 140 – Roaring News

Another week another feed of roaring news articles starting with apparent changes at MapR and the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. We go in depth on the open sourcing of the DataBricks developed Delta Lake and finish with some SQL generated fractals. Continue reading “Episode 140 – Roaring News”

Episode 139 – Interview on DataOps with Chris Bergh of DataKitchen.io (Part 2)

DataKitchen.io’s Chris Bergh takes us down the path towards successful DataOps implementation.

If you have not heard of the DataOps concept yet and data is a big part of your environment (and really, it should be) we’re sure you will find more than a couple takeaways here! Continue reading “Episode 139 – Interview on DataOps with Chris Bergh of DataKitchen.io (Part 2)”

Episode 138 – Roaring News

The biggest news is of course the launch of our Patreon! Hop over to https://www.patreon.com/roaringelephant and see if you want to help us thrive and grow! On the technical front, we have a Blog on Machine Learning Model Management, Apache turning 20 and Google breeding aggressive A.I.! And we also have a side-conversation on NginX… Continue reading “Episode 138 – Roaring News”

Episode 137 – Interview on DataOps with Chris Bergh of DataKitchen.io (Part 1)

DataKitchen.io’s Chris Bergh takes us down the path towards successful DataOps implementation.

If you have not heard of the DataOps concept yet and data is a big part of your environment (and really, it should be) we’re sure you will find more than a couple takeaways here! Continue reading “Episode 137 – Interview on DataOps with Chris Bergh of DataKitchen.io (Part 1)”