Episode 275 – High Performance podCast (2)

Today we are going deeper, higher, farther and better than we ever went before: it’s HPC time at the Roaring Elephant and since we definitely do not qualify as experts on that particular matter, we are overjoyed to welcome Walter Lioen and Valeriu Codreanu who are Surf‘s rocket scientists, when it comes to High Performance Computing!

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Episode 274 – High Performance podCast

Today we are going deeper, higher, farther and better than we ever went before: it’s HPC time at the Roaring Elephant and since we definitely do not qualify as experts on that particular matter, we are overjoyed to welcome Walter Lioen and Valeriu Codreanu who are Surf‘s rocket scientists, when it comes to High Performance Computing! As it turned out, we had way too much contect for a single episode so look forward to part 2, next week.

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Episode 273 – John Mertic’s Linux Foundation Update

Another year of The Roaring Elephant Podcast has passed and as has become a bit of a tradition, we invite the incredible source of energy that is John Mertic over to talk to us about all the great stuff The Linux Foundation in doing. Every year, again and again, John succeeds in surprising us with all the different initiatives that are under the stewardship of the Linux foundation, and this year was definitely not an exception!

Continue reading “Episode 273 – John Mertic’s Linux Foundation Update”

Episode 272 – Is HPE Saying “NO” to Public Cloud?

In a reaction to a “Cloud First” initiative form the UK government, HPE has released a manifesto claiming his is a bad thing. Now, the government plans are already a couple of years old, so why is HPE speaking out against it only now? Well, that only one of the many questions we have!

Continue reading “Episode 272 – Is HPE Saying “NO” to Public Cloud?”

Episode 271 – Faster, Safer & Cheaper Cloud Infra? (2)

Uni kernels, Nano Kernels… It was all new to your co-hosts but this tech has been around for a while now and promises faster, safer & cheaper Cloud Infrastructure. Is this just hype or is it everything you could possibly hope for? We invited Ian Eyberg, CEO of nanovms and subject matter expert, to tell us all about it.

Continue reading “Episode 271 – Faster, Safer & Cheaper Cloud Infra? (2)”