Episode 300 – The Road to 300…

Three centuries of Roaring Elephant podcasts! Well, in number of episodes then… We don’t actually believe the universe would be able to survive actual 300 years of our content! 🙂 Why don’t you join us on this relaxing episode where we take a slow meandering walk down memory lane…

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Episode 299 – (Career) Change is Good!

Following on form last weeks discussion about career choices, we now discuss why, in our opinion at least, fear of change is rarely necessary and more often than not a cause for career stagnation!

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Episode 298 – The winding (career) path

As we have been active in the amazing world of IT for a while now and both of us are involved with the process of hiring people, Dave as a hiring manager and Jhon as a mentor and frequent candidate interviewer, we are going to try to share some of our experience and (let’s be brave) maybe even some wisdom!

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Episode 297 – Open Source Misunderstandings: OSS Vendors aren’t Different.

As a conclusion to our continuing series about misunderstandings that (still) surround Open Source, today we are covering the misconception that Open Source vendors are just the same as regular vendors of proprietary software. This may come as a bit of a shock to some, but since good OSS vendors are well embedded in the open source community and culture, should it really come as a surprise that this also influences the interactions and sales cycles?

Continue reading “Episode 297 – Open Source Misunderstandings: OSS Vendors aren’t Different.”

Episode 296 – Open Source Misunderstandings: Community Doesn’t Matter!

In our continuing series about misunderstandings that (still) surround Open Source, today we are covering the misconception that it does not matter if your enterprise open source vendor is part of, and contributing a healthy amount, to the open source community.

Continue reading “Episode 296 – Open Source Misunderstandings: Community Doesn’t Matter!”