Episode 414 – Build Perfect DataOps Teams

DataOps, the promising future that nobody seems to be able to make reality. But not for lack of trying: meet Chris Bergh, “Head Chef” at DataKitchen, joining us again to tell us how te filed evolved over the last few years.

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Episode 413 – Lies, Damned Lies, and Benchmarks

Benchmarks, you love ’em, you hate ’em, or you really, really hate them, with a vengeance! But they can also actually be useful….

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Episode 412 – Learning from CrowdStrike Apocalypse

CrowdStrike did “a thing” last week… We’ve waited until the dust settles (as we are known to do) and now that more information is available, we’re doing a deepdive on the day the earth stood still…. almost…

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Episode 411 – Seven Years of Public Cloud History.

Public cloud provider marketshare numbers are often published and discusses, but what is hard to find is a long term trend and comparison between the major players. We were intrigued, so we did the research and are able to present to you seven years of history, with some rather surprising statistics!

Continue reading “Episode 411 – Seven Years of Public Cloud History.”

Episode 410 – Tech IPO’s: Great Idea or Just Terrible?

After looking at Tech Acquisitions last week, we’re now investigating the other side of the coin: going for an IPO.

Continue reading “Episode 410 – Tech IPO’s: Great Idea or Just Terrible?”