Episode 240 – Yahoo Answers… R.I.P.?

Everybody’s favorite agony aunt is being put out to pasture and we felt we cold not let this occasion go unnoticed. Instead we decided to regale our audience with some of our favorite picks of the cornucopia that is Yahoo Answers! And yes, if you had totally forgotten it still existed, so did we…

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Episode 239 – Living on the Edge!

While discussing an article on Edge Computing, we discovered we have pretty diverging ideas on the subject an thus, a Roaring Elephant episode was borne! General Edge computing concepts, where it came from and where it could possibly end up in the future all come up in this episode.

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Episode 238 – Stop Tech Fails

Big technology projects have the reputation of failing often and hard. For this episode, we took inspiration from the “Fishbone of Problems” put together by Stephen J. Andriole to discuss some potential pitfalls.

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Episode 237 – Open Source @ Google

As you might expect, Open Source @ Google works just a little different. Thanks to their scale, they are able to push the “monorepo” paradigm to the extreme where they compile all the critical open source projects from their own repository.

In this episode we try to answer the question if everybody should adopt Google approach or not. And unsurprisingly, the answer is the ubiquitous “it depends”….

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Episode 236 – Enterprise Architect Musings…

We recently came across some content on the do’s and dont’s, good and bad, ups and downs and lefts and rights when it comes to the much discusses, often misunderstood but definitely vital role of the Enterprise Architect. While we were discussing it, we decided to switch on the microphones and record our musings on the matter. Now please do not expect any kind of conclusion at the end of this episode: it’s not that kind of episode, at all! It’s much more just two tech veterans reminiscing and grumbling over past experiences….

Continue reading “Episode 236 – Enterprise Architect Musings…”