Episode 130 – Roaring News

In this episode of Bite Sized Big Data news, we cover the merging of Data Artisans and Alibaba forming the new Ververica entity, AI related challenges and a BBC cook book for visualizations in R.

Dave had some issues recording his side, our apologies for the rather bad quality of Dave’s audio track on this episode.

Continue reading “Episode 130 – Roaring News”

Episode 129 – DataWorks Summit Barcelona Track Chair Interviews

In this episode we have interviews with Niels Basjes and Aljoscha Krettek, respectively track chairs for Big Compute & Storage and Internet of Things. We talk with them about what being a track lead means, the sessions in their tracks and of course about what they are doing themselves with Big Data and Advanced Analytics.
Continue reading “Episode 129 – DataWorks Summit Barcelona Track Chair Interviews”

Episode 128 – Roaring News

In this Deep learning heavy edition of Big Data News, we have articles about how to get into the Data Scientist life, how and where to get the skills and how you eventually may end up beating pro-gamers at their thing. Continue reading “Episode 128 – Roaring News”

Episode 127 – Sparkling Water with H2O.AI (part 2)

We recently sat down with Kuba and Pavel from H2O to discuss how you can easily lift your Spark notebooks to the next level by adding some H20 to it using their open source Sparkling Water project.

In this second part of the interview, we go deeper into the technical details of Sparking Water and how you can deploy and use it in your environment. We end the conversation with a look at the roadmap and anything else the future may bring.

Continue reading “Episode 127 – Sparkling Water with H2O.AI (part 2)”

Episode 126 – Roaring News

The second news episode for 2019 is almost entirely devoted to practical AI with some tutorial notebooks and finding a parking space. We end this show with dire warnings of the impending Big Data induced Apocalypse! Continue reading “Episode 126 – Roaring News”