Episode 419 – Do All A.I. Projects End In Failure?

Of all projects that an enterprise can undertake, a project involving anything to do with Artificial Intelligence seems to have a disproportionate chance of failure. Is this inevitable, or can something be done to make these highly visible projects more successful?

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Episode 418 – What the [CENSORED] is Platform Engineering?

Platform Engineering is another one of those hype words, the “thing” that solves all your problems, according to the marketing at least… But what is is actually, and what can it be?

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Episode 417 – OpenTofu: the Platform Engineering Future?

Listen to our guest Cory O’Daniel, CEO of Massdriver and one of the outspoken people behind Open Tofu explain why OpenTofu became inevitable after the Terraform license change by Hashicorps.

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Episode 416 – Young Blood Needed for OSS?

The age of contributors to Open Source seems to be getting ever higher. let’s look at some reasons why and maybe, just maybe find a solution?

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Episode 415 – Open Source DataOps Tools

DataOps, the promising future that nobody seems to be able to make reality. But not for lack of trying: meet Chris Bergh, “Head Chef” at DataKitchen, joining us again to tell us how te filed evolved over the last few years.

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