Episode 364 – Behind the PodCast – Why?

Over the years, we’ve had people ask us about what it’s like to start a podcast, how to keep it going and how to not let it ruin your life. (OK, that last one maybe not so much.) In this first episode where we take you behind the scenes, we talk about why you would want, or not want to do a podcast.

Continue reading “Episode 364 – Behind the PodCast – Why?”

Episode 363 – The “WHY” Behind A.I. Regulation

Everybody is talking about the real or perceived need for regulating all that is A.I.. But who are the powers behind this and why do they really want this?

Everybody is talking about the real or perceived need for regulating all that is A.I.. But who are the powers behind this and why do they really want this?

Continue reading “Episode 363 – The “WHY” Behind A.I. Regulation”

Episode 362 – Scaling Open Source Ecosystems

Open Source is much more than “just code”. So much more that our guest John Mertic actually wrote a book to tell you all about it! As we are always happy to invite John on to the podcast, we invited him to talk about the book and, as usual, much more. So much more that this inevitably became a multi-part episode and in this part we are talking mostly about scaling open source projects.

Continue reading “Episode 362 – Scaling Open Source Ecosystems”

Episode 361 – Running an Open Source Project

Open Source is much more than “just code”. So much more that our guest John Mertic actually wrote a book to tell you all about it! As we are always happy to invite John on to the podcast, we invited him to talk about the book and, as usual, much more. So much more that this inevitably became a multi-part episode and in this part we are talking mostly about actually running an open source project.

Continue reading “Episode 361 – Running an Open Source Project”

Episode 360 – Getting Ready for Open Source

Open Source is much more than “just code”. So much more that our guest John Mertic actually wrote a book to tell you all about it! As we are always happy to invite John on to the podcast, we invited him to talk about the book and, as usual, much more. So much more that this inevitably became a multi-part episode and in this part we are talking mostly about getting ready for Open Source.

Continue reading “Episode 360 – Getting Ready for Open Source”