Episode 373 – Death by Abstraction

There seems to exist a motion where people only teach themselves “that” it works, but “how” it works is usually not part of the education. Whether due to time constraints or just laziness doesn’t really matter when it turns the world in a place where substandard becomes standard…

Continue reading “Episode 373 – Death by Abstraction”

Episode 372 – Behind the Podcast: The Secret of My Success

Success! Maybe not what you are doing it for, but lack of success can definitely put a damper on the fun of things. So, OK, Success it is! But… What is success? What does it look like for you?

Continue reading “Episode 372 – Behind the Podcast: The Secret of My Success”

Episode 371 – Behind the Podcast: Podcast (Im)Perfection

As we are getting to the end of this series, we’re doing a little summarization of things with an eye to perfection. Or rather, the dangers that lurk when perfection is the aim!

Continue reading “Episode 371 – Behind the Podcast: Podcast (Im)Perfection”

Episode 370 – Behind the Podcast: Guests Make Everything Better! (Part 2)

Making a podcast is certainly fun, but as the saying goes: the more the merrier! So inviting guests onto your podcast really helps keep things fresh. In this episode, we continue about all the logistics and, more importantly, how to get good guests on your show!

Continue reading “Episode 370 – Behind the Podcast: Guests Make Everything Better! (Part 2)”