Episode 162- Roaring News

For this News episode we are joined by Niels and Carlo from Kuori.io and we discuss the need that some people have to build solutions using technologies that are not really suited for the purpose, while perfectly valid technology is readily available. In the second part, we discuss a whitepaper on “cloud native” and how it seems this drive towards to cloud is still very often a an exercise in marketing…

If you build it, they will come?

Not saying that this is a bad blog, not at all, it discusses the subject matter in clear detail and all in all is a pretty god read. However, the first (and arguably only valid) question that popped into my mind when I read the title was: WHY?

Why would anyone want to do something like this? Are there good reasons for trying to build something using tools that are clearly not suited for the purpose?


Back to the Future?

A new whitepaper by Weaveworks begs the question: are we still talking about this as a “new” thing? Are there still organizations for who this is new?

Taking a deeper look at the whitepaper, it turns out it is full of marketing buzzwords and platitudes…

So how far is cloud native really accepted and in use today and is a micro service architecture really something you need to go for to solve all your problems..?


Why don’t you take it easy?

Final thanks to our guests Niels and Carlo from Kuori.io!

If you’re looking for a carefree data infrastructure, be sure to have a look at their website!

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