Episode 49 – Thomas Henson on IoT architectures

In this episode we have an interview with Thomas Henson for you. Thomas is an Isilon Data Lake Evangelist at Dell/EMC, but in this episode he will talk about IoT architectures, related to his talk at the DataWorks Summit San Jose 2017 Continue reading “Episode 49 – Thomas Henson on IoT architectures”

Episode 48 – Alan Gates on the DataWorks Summit (Part 3)

In this third part of our interview with Alan Gates, PMC member for various Apache projects including Apache Hive and co-founder of Hortonworks, we talk about his sessions at the DataWorks Summits and about the Summits in general. Continue reading “Episode 48 – Alan Gates on the DataWorks Summit (Part 3)”

Episode 47 – Deep dive into Kudu

We’ve been interested in Kudu for a while. But it’s something that neither of your hosts have been exposed to very much. Apache Kudu went from incubation to top level project in record time and now seemed like the time was right to dig into this piece of antelope.
Mike Percy, PMC member and committer on the Apache Kudu project and software engineer at Cloudera was only too glad to come on the podcast and answer all our questions!

Episode 46 – San Jose DataWorks Summit 2017 in Review

Dave joined our free ticket raffle winner Pitt at the Data Works Summit in Sunny San Jose last month and they came back with almost two hours worth of exciting stories!
Thanks again to Hortonworks for providing the free ticket to our raffle that Pitt won.

Episode 45 – Modern Day Airships

Breaking up our series of insights from Alan Gates, we switch gears to another really interesting topic (and guest!) where we talk about the new visualisation features coming in Apache Zeppelin and we get it straight from the brains behind the new code, Bernhard Walter.