Episode 84 – DataWorks Summit Berlin – Day 2 Recap

And with the end of day two of the 2018 DataWorks Summit in Berlin comes the end of this years Europe Summit. But never fear, we have an extra 90 minutes of DataWorks goodness for you to consume on your way home. Continue reading “Episode 84 – DataWorks Summit Berlin – Day 2 Recap”

Episode 83 – DataWorks Summit Berlin – Day 1 Recap

Another year, another European Dataworks Summit, and yes, another daily recap show from Jhon and Dave. We walk through the keynotes and sessions we attended and give our thoughts and views. This should be useful for anyone who wasn’t able to attend or those seeking to peek into sessions they couldn’t make.
Continue reading “Episode 83 – DataWorks Summit Berlin – Day 1 Recap”

Episode 82 – DataWorks Summit Berlin 2018 Preview

Next week is DataWorks Summit Berlin week! Your two hosts will be in attendance and in this episode we go over the agenda and plan which sessions we want to attend and why. Peppered throughout we add further insights and experiences from previous years. Continue reading “Episode 82 – DataWorks Summit Berlin 2018 Preview”

Episode 81 – Roaring News

In this installment of Big Data News, we talk about the recent Facebook leak, how everybody is still doing it wrong (according to some at least) and installing Hadoop “the old-fashioned way”. Also briefly covered is Elastic’s X-Pack, now even more “open” than before, but still rather closed it would seem. Continue reading “Episode 81 – Roaring News”

Episode 80 – Big Data Tracking

Last June, Wolfie Christl published a 93 page report Corporate Surveillance in Everyday Life using big data tracking. Apart from the massive pdf that can be downloaded on the net, an extensive summary can be found on the Cracked Labs website.

In this episode we go over the content and give our views on the subject.

Continue reading “Episode 80 – Big Data Tracking”