Episode 407 – Kubernetes Infrastructure Choices!

So you decided on Kubernetes for your project? Great. So how are you going to deploy it? On bare metal, on virtual machines, or, as apparently some people do, on top of containers?

Continue reading “Episode 407 – Kubernetes Infrastructure Choices!”

Episode 406 – Kubernetes: for Better or for Worse?

Nobody is ever going to say Kubernetes is easy, but it has gotten better over time, hasn’t it? Or has it? The recent DZone trend report had some interesting details on the topic so we dove right in!

Continue reading “Episode 406 – Kubernetes: for Better or for Worse?”

Episode 405 – DevRel: the Good and the Bad.

We were lucky to have Matthew join us to talk about Developer Relations. The role has gone through a lot of changes, maturing into something that is now predictably beneficial to an organization. But things are never as easy as they seem at first glance…

In this third and last part, Matthew finishes off the interview going over some do’s and don’ts.

Continue reading “Episode 405 – DevRel: the Good and the Bad.”

Episode 404 – DevRel in the Modern World.

We were lucky to have Matthew join us to talk about Developer Relations. The role has gone through a lot of changes, maturing into something that is now predictably beneficial to an organization. But things are never as easy as they seem at first glance…

Continue reading “Episode 404 – DevRel in the Modern World.”

Episode 403 – Developer Relations, Done Right!

We were lucky to have Matthew join us to talk about Developer Relations. The role has gone through a lot of changes, maturing into something that is now predictably beneficial to an organization. But things are never as easy as they seem at first glance…

Continue reading “Episode 403 – Developer Relations, Done Right!”