Episode 185 – Talking Business Agility with Caroline of Estelia (Part 1)

Agile Development is quite popular in the world of software development, but the concepts are applicable to a much broader business environment. Very often, however, the actual implementation of these rather excellent concepts are plagued with faulty expectations and simply not knowing what you are trying to do. Find out how you can benefit, both as an organization and personally, when doing Agile “right” in this two part interview with Caroline from Estelia.

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Episode 184- Roaring News

A Law&Order themed news episode this week where we look at a collection of articles about the many legal implications that come with the ever increasing usage of machine learning and neural networks in the worlds courts. We start with the first traces of “Minority Report” PreCrime, follow on to privacy rights of convicted people and finish with the realities of A.I. based facial recognition.

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Episode 183- Taking Apache Cassandra for a spin

In this episode we have an in depth discussion on Apache Cassandra with Patrick McFadin, VP Developer Relations at DataStax. We had a great conversation with Patrick about topics ranging from basic NoSql topics to more in depth applicability of Apache Cassandra. Apache Cassandra really is one of the most used NoSql solutions out there and this information should really be useful for anybody working in Big Technology!

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Episode 182- Roaring News

It has been a little while, but here is a regular Roaring News episode where we discuss three articles. First off is an Ozone benchmark followed by an A.I. directed dungeon crawl and we end with a bit of an ethical discussion about some things that scientists get up to these days….

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Episode 181- DBIR 2019: So, are we doomed yet?

Verizon has published their “Data Breach Investigations Report” for some time now and with the news of data leaks, ransomware attacks and more of that kind of horror dominating much of the technology conversation, we gratefully borrow this report to dedicate a full episode on this subject. As ever, we never shy away from deviating form the subject a little (or a lot) but this time we did try to keep close to the subject matter.

If you’re in any way connected to cyber security, and honestly, everybody in the tech world should be, you owe it to yourself to download the DBIR or, even better, listen to this episode!

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