Episode 157 – Orchestration, config management, automation, what does it all mean?

Today we are joined by Mark Phillips, product marketing manager and more interestingly, heavily involved with Ansible at Red Hat. Now, rather than making this episode specifically about Ansible, Mark shares his extensive expertise on the subjects of orchestration, config management and automation.

Continue reading “Episode 157 – Orchestration, config management, automation, what does it all mean?”

Episode 156 – Roaring News

In this Roaring News episode we start debunking a “85% of companies use multi cloud” statement, look at the future of Data Engineering and are completely astounded at the amount of tracking that happens on the world wide web. We close off with a deeper look at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation open sourcing the Kubernetes audit and go another round on “Smart Data” versus “Big Data”.

Continue reading “Episode 156 – Roaring News”

Episode 155 – NoSQL: You keep using that word…

For a podcast on Big Data, we were amazed that we never covered the subject of NoSQL. So we’re correcting this today. Not by listing and comparing all the NoSQL solutions out there, but rather by going over the differences between the two paradigms. This way we hope to offer enough insight so you can feel comfortable deciding if you should or should not deploy NoSQL in your environment. Continue reading “Episode 155 – NoSQL: You keep using that word…”

Episode 154 – Roaring News

In this News installment, coming to you courtesy of Dave and Endgaget, we talk about how the Osaka track is paving the way for data free flow across borders and take a look at the alleged problem with the UK’s facial recognition system. Ending on a “high note”, we discuss how Facebook and Googles (and a lot of other’s) MLPerf benchmark is going to change the way we look at our machine learning setups. Or not…

Continue reading “Episode 154 – Roaring News”

Episode 153 – How Secure is the Future of Open Source?

The way open source software is being consumed has changed drastically: originally found on the fringes, open source technology has now become a core part of many organizations of all sizes. We take a look at the confusion and sometimes vocal irritation that has accompanied this adoption by “Big Business” and ask the question if the future of Open Source is in danger. Continue reading “Episode 153 – How Secure is the Future of Open Source?”